Sunday, June 27, 2010

And they lived happily ever after!

What's heaven like? Do we think of heaven as a place where we can't enjoy anymore once our time on earth is up? Someplace we think of when we've eaten something that tastes great and think, "Oh the Lord can come to take me away now that I've eaten this"? Someplace we don't wanna go to until we've had some of our biggest wishes and/or dreams fulfilled on earth because once we get to heaven we're not gonna be able to do those things? No friend!! Heaven isn't a place that we're gonna have to bear or put up with... it's a BEAUTIFUL place! You know why it will be beautiful? Not because it's got angels flying around playing harps all the time, but because God's gonna be there! Do you realize what that means?

Have you ever wished there were no sorrow, crying, or pain in this world at any point in your life? If you have, it's a very valid thought to have, because God made you and me to be with Him and to have a relationship with Him. So it's perfectly fine for you to wish there could be peace, harmony, and joy and all the things that everyone wishes for (unless you don't wish for it out of pure bitterness for things you might have been through in the past).

It's kinda like when you're in love. When you're in love, all you really wanna do is spend time with the person you're in love with, right? The same way, God is the only One you're gonna want to be around because He's the MOST AWESOME Person you have known, or ever will know!!! (How do I know that? The Bible tells me about Him, and boy am I glad it does!) Can you grasp the depth of what I'm talking about here? If you truly love God, it's most likely because you've accepted His act of love for you (Jesus' payment on the cross for your sin) and because you've made it your own. And if you love God, you'll want to spend every waking moment with Him or thinking about Him. And finally, if you love God, you'll want to spend the rest of eternity with Him. You know what? I'm so thankful that God created marriage, because marriage is the perfect example of what we will witness in the future when Christ comes back to claim His bride, the Church, and make her His and we're gonna live happily every after! You will too, if you trust that Christ alone can get you to heaven (Acts 4:10-13 and Romans 10:9).

Believe me guys, you won't wanna miss it. Don't put off making that decision, don't tell yourself that you've still got more "living" to do in this world before you can "get right with God". The world isn't worth holding onto, but Christ is!! God loves you, my friend. Make that love your own, accept His offer to be a part of your life. Get hold of a Bible and find out about a love story that can be yours. God loves you!!! Can you believe that? I still can't believe how He can love me despite myself and I've been a Christian for almost 12 years now, but I do believe it and I sure am glad and thankful for His love! :)


Anonymous said...

Thanks for this wonderful post. I happened to pass through your blog and I must say, It is always refreshing and uplifting to see that there are people out there shinning the light (the truth) for a world that is filled in darkness.

Continue to share the gospel through the life you lead and never stop.

God Bless!

Beula said...

Thank you!